Lucky Ponders His Return To China

Bob and Claire got a special package from the man in the brown truck today. They were happy. They said they could go back to China. I think they like China. Since I was made in China, they are going to take me back. I asked if I needed one of those visa, passport things. They said no, my passport was the tab on my butt that says, “Made In China.”  Bob was working on that funny long bicycle with two seats they have, out in the 108 degree heat today. He said he had lots of work to get, Zippy he calls it, ready for the rigors of Asia travel. Hmmm. I wonder if I’ll like that thing he calls rigors? Claire is always looking at maps of China and other places in Asia. She says she was born in Vietnam, but she will need a visa for Vietnam. They must have forgot to sew a “Made In Vietnam” tag on her butt.

Lucky the rescued Panda looking at a China Visa

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