Lucky’s Blog (A True Story Told In Serial Form – Stay Tuned)

Lucky on Turtle's dashboard

Lucky on Turtle's dashboard

My name is Lucky. At least that is what my new human caretakers call me. Bob says I need to have my very own blog. I don’t know what a blog is, but I have one, and this is it. He says I should just live my new life as it unfolds, and tell all of you about it. He says my life with he and Claire will be adventurous. I’m not sure what that means. Bob will take pictures of me, and Claire seems to be pretty set on keeping me clean.

I think I know why they named me Lucky. I woke up in the middle of  a very busy, highway on the Navajo Reservation in Arizona. There were big trucks and motorhomes and fast cars flying inches on either side of me. I knew I was going to be squished flat at any moment, but I couldn’t get away. You see I am a stuffed animal, and we can’t move very far without the help of a human, usually little ones. It must have been a little human that dropped me on the road, but I don’t remember.  

Anyway, Claire saw me there as she and Bob sped past in Turtle, that’s their motorhome’s name, and she announced that a bear rescue was required. Bob and Turtle reponded with a fast  U-Turn and the next thing I knew, I was looking out Turtle’s windshield and feeling safe.

Where they found me

Where they found me

Last night we parked among the big trucks in a truckstop. Since there wasn’t time for Bob to get a picture as he was scooping me up off the road, he wanted to do a sort of fake picture and he took me out to the highway while Claire watched from Turtle.

Just as he finished and was standing in the middle of the road with me in one hand and a camera in the other,  a rescue vehicle appeared with lots of flashing lights. “Are you alright, sir?” said the man with a serious look.

“You’re not going to believe this,” said Bob. “But, I was just taking a picture of my bear on the center line.”

“I see,” said the man, who now had a  funny little smile on his face. “You’d better be careful, there are a lot of crazy people out here.”

“Yes, sir. Thank you,” said Bob as he scurried off to Turtle.


Claire Being Supportive

Claire Being Supportive

This is what Claire looked like when we got back. It took her a long time to recover.







After that excitement, Claire decided I needed a bath to clean all the red dust from lying on the road twice in one day. I didn’t like the bath, but since she’d saved me, I didn’t protest.
The Bath

The Bath

This picture is me getting my bath.



After my bath, I learned from Claire, who could tell from the tag on my butt, that I was from China. Then Claire and Bob looked at each other and both said at the same time, “We’re going to China!” I don’t know exactly what that means, but I think it might mean that adventure thing Bob mentioned.

I’ll tell you more when I know more.

 Oh, Bob says to tell your friends about my blog. There might even be videos later, whatever that is. He says I will have such an interesting life that my blog should go viral. I don’t know if that sounds good or not…


zai jian, (that means good-bye in Chinese)


 All Clean


Lucky’s Blog (A True Story Told In Serial Form – Stay Tuned) — 1 Comment

  1. This is the most clever ever blog. Lucky is just that, in more ways than one…he has you two! Your writing is most enjoyable and I hope to be reading about Lucky’s adventures in China and beyond. It is a wonderful thing how you have chosen to share your adventures. Safe travels!

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