Americas very best friend in the World is our neighbor to the north, Canada. We don’t always treat her with the respect due the second largest country in the world. Rich in resources and diverse in cultures, she is held in high reguard everywhere, yet too often ignored by the United States.
Beginning in 1997 we bicycled the lower provinces over three summers, a total of 15,000 kilometers, or perhaps I should write kilometres. We got a feel for the imensity of the country, but mostly we experienced the warmth, hospitality, and fun-loving ways of the people.
Someday we will do complete page on our Canada travels, but for now, Happy birthday! We love you.
I was in Canada two months ago and yes, it is a great place. I was most impressed by the roads and road margins in BC and Alberta and hope you found them good for cycling.
I have a bunch of content on Canada via tandem. I just need time to put it together and get it on a page.