Christmas Card from Bangkok

Happy Christmas from Bangkok

Happy Christmas from Bangkok

Happy Christmas from Bangkok, from Bob and Claire and Lucky. P-bear, Lai Lai and Foster send their best wishes from Tucson.

We’ll celebrate by crossing the International Date Line on Christmas Day. Does that mean we get Christmas twice?

Happy Christmas

Claire and Bob Rogers

PS. See a video of us having a look-back at our Shangri-la journey from Bangkok, Christmas Eve day.


Christmas Card from Bangkok — 6 Comments

  1. Pray your Christmas was/is/will be a great one. We have snow! Thanks for the pictures.
    Bonnie \o/

  2. Merry Christmas! Have a safe trip home and we look forward to seeing you soon.
    Dick & Helen, and Kim, Jon, Erika,& Annie

  3. Home safely. Got a business class upgrade and were pampered by the attendants like we were celebrities. The counter person must have passed on information about the couple and the tandem bike on board. We had a traditional four course Japanese meal with a very grassy SB from NZ, and then a nice sleep. I’ll plug All Nippon, they were great. Dealing with the usual glitches and total lack of food today. Claire is out shopping now and I’m getting the Internet up and running.

  4. Hey Bohemians!
    We are glad to see you all OK.What a journey…
    Being pampered by an airline company, you must be very lucky. They are such a pain usually with bikes. I guess special poeple get special attention.
    All the best.


  5. Dance our fool heads off tonight to a swing band, then tomorrow do all the things we want to do during the new year: bicycle ride, three healthy meals, maybe a hot tub, and a ummmmm how to say this, nap.

    Take the motorhome, with bikes and sea kayak, to Alaska this summer. Should be a mini-adventure or 20 in that!

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