We’re now settled into our volunteer positions as campground hosts in Squaw Flats campground at Needles. The learning curve was steep the first few days, but we have the system down now. We especially enjoy interactions with visitors, solving their problems, making their stay stress free, which after all is why people come to beautiful places like this.
We are on four days, and off three. However we have found that if we’re around, visitors don’t seem to see the off duty sign, and come to us anyway. That’s fine with us. Twice we have hosted tent campers at our site:
One was an inexperienced hiker who ran out of water after his first night in the back country. He came out well after we were filled; he was too tired to go on. We enjoyed his company, and if we ever get to Chicago, we can get free admittance to the Art Institute of Chicago where he does the audio visuals. I’d love to go. I hear it’s an amazing gallery.
The second was a motorcyclist who got in just at dark. We let him set up his tent on our plot and had an interesting visit. He has done a bit of bicycle touring. He’s also a famous person who faces many challenges, and we feel it reasonable to respect his privacy for now. Claire said, “He may be famous, but our interaction taught me that, in a National Park, all are equal, and have the opportunity for renewal.”
More on our volunteering experience, and hopefully mild adventures in future posts.