Thanksgiving Dinner 4 for two.

Thanksgiving Dinner 3

Thanksgiving Dinner 4

Ingredients: 2/3 cups whole grain pasta of your choice; one large onion, LOTS of extra virgin olive oil, four small zucchini squash, one cup hydrated mushrooms, 1/2 cup sun dried tomatoes, handful of pepitas, sheep’s cheese, one boneless, skinless chicken breast.

Pour the cook a glass of wine.

Preparation: Caramelize cubed onion, fry chicken breast, both in LOTS of olive oil, and put both aside. Cook pasta al dente while you saute the zucchini and mushrooms with 5-10 cloves pressed garlic, in LOTS of olive oil. When pasta is al dente, drain and cover. Add onions, cubed chicken and sun dried tomatoes to pan and heat through with LOTS of olive oil.

Put pasta on 8″ plate, add pan contents, grate sheep’s cheese on top, add pepitas.

Serve with a hearty white such as chardonnay, or medium red wine.

All of my meals are for two, and require at most two pans for quick easy preparation in small kitchens such as in a Recreational Vehicle, or even a barbie or camp stove. They are tasty, but not meant to be gourmet. They are very healthy.

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