
Evening on the River in Laos — 3 Comments

  1. Hi Claire & Bob this is Ernestine from Buckingham,Virginia. I have been looking at your tour and everything is so beautiful. I do you the two of you will remain healthy
    throughout your trip. I email the website to another biker that I met a while back.
    Take care and thank you for thinking of me. I do wish to see you again. Whenever you are in the area, please give me heads up before you arrive. Thank you so very much for sharing. Miss you. Love Ernestine.

  2. Laos looks very beautiful. I’ve long wanted to see the plain of jars, and your pictures only made it seem more enticing. This scene of river life is gorgeous.

  3. Ernestine: We were just talking about you the other day when we sent a post card. Glad you are following. We’re having an intense time, so you know we’re happy!

    Sarah: Laos is all beautiful. We’ll have some videos up of a really remote track and a village that took us in when we became very lost. It will have to wait for Vietnam, in a few days, since the Internet in Laos is too slow for longer videos. Welcome. Glad to have you!

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