
Chaos Theory In Action, Chengdu, China — 5 Comments

  1. Excellent! keep the videos coming. It reminded me of a combination of the U of A mall with all the students walking around noon, plus the buses in Argentina or Costa Rica plus the designated area for bicycles in Montreal, except that you also have pedestrians, scooters and other vehicles going in both directions on both sides of you!
    The intersections are specially fun!

  2. Following you on that bicycle trip through town was like watching one of the old “Police Squad” or “Naked Gun” movies with Leslie Nielsen. They would always open with a view from the top of the car with the light on and siren blazing as they passed down streets, through shopping malls, through private apartments, up stairs, into elevators, through offices, grocery stores and even an occasional girls locker room. What a crack-up – or nearly so – so much of the time. Looks like you guys are having fun. I’d never heard of Chengdu before; now I realize what a huge city it is. I’m impressed to say the least.

  3. Bob and Claire!
    Well, THAT was some adventure, and I am glad you made it–this time!! I felt like I was the third person on your bike!