Backroads Accommodation in Shangri-la

Thanks to everyone for the comments, especially after our unplanned detour to the hospital. It’s really nice to feel more connected to a community and we love hearing from you.

Zippy Joined Us

Zippy Joined Us

‘I complained because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet,’ comes to mind after one of our stays along the backroads of Shangrila. Remember the fun we had with the video detailing the trip across the road, down the stairs and over the bridge to the outhouse? This time we stayed at a “hotel” with no toilet–at all.

The Tibetan women we stayed with earlier were not in business, but this hotel was running an accommodation where the toilet was a five minute walk along the road to where the fence ended and the hillside dropped down through some trees for privacy. One really had to watch one’s step and keep eyes from wandering should another villager be occupying a nearby tree. Even open space here has a purpose. On the bright side, Zippy was able to stay with us for a change, rather than with a baby pig or in the meat locker.

The lone light bulb flickered and faltered in sync with whatever was going on in the family living area next door. We didn’t charge our computer or cameras that night!

China Hotel


Backroads Accommodation in Shangri-la — 3 Comments

  1. We are so thankful you are both okay after the wipeout. We have enjoyed so much the pictures and the narrative of your fantastic trip. We wish you the best as you travel on. / Gene and Marcene

  2. I’ve been following your posts every few days and passing info along to Sam. I didn’t realize you could see comments or I would have left one before. So glad you’re okay after the accident. Sam and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary by riding downtown for 2 nights in a hotel & explored downtown neighborhoods by bike. Fun!

  3. Gene and Marcen:.Thanks for the good wishes!
    Jan and Sam: Congratulations.What a great way to celebrate your marriage! We miss everyone!

    Bob and Claire

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